
All By Myself. Well, kind of.

This morning, at the very buttcrack of dawn, the kittens and I wished "bon voyage" to Peef as he set out for NAMM trade show. As if it's not bad enough that he gets to spend the next few days rubbing elbows with celebrities and industry experts, the show is held in Anaheim, CA (where it is currently a balmy 66ºF). So, we'll think fondly of him as we shiver and shovel ourselves out of the snow.

Peef absconded the digital camera, so I'm suspecting he'll share some of his experience with all of us when he gets back. If you're REALLY lucky, he'll get (and share) a photo of the ubiquitous Hannah Montana, who will be signing autographs at NAMM over the weekend... LOL.

Meanwhile, I'm looking forward to some good old-fashioned "alone" time. I'm not sure exactly how I'll spend all of my newfound time (although I've already got "hot" dinner dates with my friends Rena and Steph over the weekend). I can foresee some reading (am working on the book "Kite Runner" among other things), maybe a bit of cooking (though I really muddle around in the kitchen more than I cook when I'm by myself), and probably some blogging. I scheduled an appointment with the eye doctor on Friday, so I'll get some "life business" out of the way. And, of course, there's a bit of snow scheduled to arrive on Thursday. So, I'll get to spend a bit of my time shoveling (what would NAMM week be without a bit of shoveling?).

Anyhow -- if you've got some time to spare, give me a holla!


Anonymous said...

Yo, Lo!

Just a quick hollaback (gods, did I just type that?) to let you know that I'll also happily share any reports I get regarding your little recidivist and his doings at the NAMM show. The Winona office is relatively calm while all the reps are out there a'havin' fun in the warm California sun.

Just to check, have you read 'Water for Elephants'? Fantastic book! I've just finished re-reading Stranger in a Strange Land for the nth time - gotta love the classics.

Lo said...

Tony, Tony, Tony -
Of COURSE I'm interested in reports about my "recidivist" :)

Haven't read "Water for Elephants" -- although it's on my list of things to consider. Is it a sad book?

Lo said...

Hey wait... does that make you my hollaback boy?