
The Lost Day 2008

Tomorrow is February 29th.
It's a rarity. More rare than other dates anyhow. Happening only once every four years, it has a bit of a mystique.

Do babies born on this day have unusual talents? How do they celebrate their birthdays? Is this a day on which normal social rules simply do not apply?

I, myself, like to think of this day as the "lost" day. It's an "extra" in a life that offers so few spiffs... a time to make up for lost time, to get a head start on a project, to catch up on sleep.

On the other hand, some of our friends have had a really ROUGH February, so it seems cruel to make them endure an extra day, all in the name of keeping our calendar in alignment with the earth's revolutions around the sun...

So, I'm torn.

Seems there is a lot of celebrating going on here in Milwaukee.
Seems to be all good -- beer, wine, fish.
Come to think of it, maybe celebrating is a good approach!!

How will YOU mark the Lost Day 2008??


Grouchy said...

On the other hand, some of our friends have had a really ROUGH February, so it seems cruel to make them endure an extra day, all in the name of keeping our calendar in alignment with the earth's revolutions around the sun...

:)...We're going with the (maybe deluded??) idea that "real" February ends today. So tomorrow is some kind of nether-day...perfect for celebrating and enjoying. Most of our February-related problems are finally resolved, anyway (yay!). I think we're going to venture out into the cold and have a good time of Lost Day 2008. You have a lot of options! Which one will you choose??

Lo said...

We're actually going to miss out on all the "official" activities going on in Milwaukee. But, we're having friends over for dinner (complete with Cuban Sidecars) Does that count?

Oh, yes, I'm also having my hairs did. Which is a celebration in and of itself. :)