
Peef and Lo Are Expecting Visitors

Now -- I realize we've been a bit out of touch for the past week. But that's been for good reason.

For one -- we finally got our cabinet hardware, and were able to put our cabinet doors back up! Doesn't that look nice?
The rain has come to Milwaukee, so our grass is growing again. Which means we've been spending time outside MOWING (that's a foreign concept, as we haven't done it in WEEKS). We've also been spending some of our spare time cooking up great things in the kitchen (fish tacos, anyone?).

But, the biggest reason has to do with preparations around the house.
The excitement mounts as we gear up for a weekend with some of our favorite people. Rebecca and Jeremy are coming to visit us. All the way from the Promised Land (Fargo, ND for those of you who aren't familiar)! While they won't be brining their sweet kids along, they will be bringing another friend. Jackie will be visiting us from California. And we can't wait.

Right now, the weekend plans are still somewhat up in the air.
However, we do know that they'll arrive at our place sometime in the afternoon on Friday. After getting something to eat at one of the local eateries, we'll be rocking out at the Crowded House concert.

Saturday's events could include a trip to the farmer's market, a rendezvous to KOPP'S frozen custard, or time spent at Irish Fest... or maybe a local art fair (Oconomowoc's art fair happens to be ranked THIRD in the nation for juried art festivals). Depends what we're feeling like.

Whatever we decide, we always seem to have a great time.

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