
Being Brave in Rural Wisconsin

After a jam-packed weekend with Peef's family (a bridal shower, a birthday party, and a visit from his brother in Antigua... *WHEW*), I'm heading off to northern Wisconsin. Yessiree, my friend Steph and I are getting away for a few days of good old fashioned rest and relaxation.

Of course, I'm hauling those GRE study guides along with me... because, although I'd like my brain to be clean and refreshed when I get back, I can't go forgetting everything I know. After all, the exam is coming up fast (Aug 11).

Anyhow -- since I don't anticipate having anything CLOSE to an internet connection up north, you won't be hearing much out of me. But, I'll be back...


Grouchy said...

Have fun out in the wild, and good luck with all that studying!!

Anonymous said...

Take lots of pictures! I want to hear all about it as I want to be brave and go up there too