Attending: Peef (the Boy), Lo, Rebecca, and Michelle (the Broads)
The event kicked off with a visit to our VERY FAVORITE Lakefront Brewery for their environmental brewery tour. When we arrived, we were whisked off into the magical world of "green brewing" -- which included tales of locally grown organic hops and various elements of "green certification" (Lakefront was the first brewery in the nation to be certified green).
Along the way, we partook in a variety of Lakefront beers -- sampling Eastside Dark, Riverwest Stein, Pumpkin Lager, and a small host of others (observe the lovely tappers above). We also got the chance to climb up inside the infamous chalet that used to be home to "Bernie Brewer," Milwaukee Brewers mascot (see Peef and Lo below). Bernie was a beloved fixture at the old Milwaukee County Stadium. Following each Brewers' homer, he would slide down from his chalet and plunge himself into a huge beer mug to celebrate the victory!
Having completed our tour, Rebecca declared it "The Best Brewery Tour EVER!" And we all concurred.
We enjoyed a lovely dinner at one of our favorite little spots - Trocadero, where two of the Broads, Rebecca and Lori, ate the prerequisite burgers (turkey burgers, complete with black pepper boursin -- YUM), and everyone drank a bit more beer. Then, we headed off for an evening of pool (er, Billiards) at Rebecca & Michelle's place (complete with a bit of beer sampling)! One of the beers we sampled came from the Jolly Pumpkin Artisan Brewery in Michigan. We mistook it for a pumpkin ale (thanks to the Jolly Pumpkin label)... and were surprised to find it was, instead, Bam Bière... a funny little dry-hopped ale that we all agreed was, er, "different."
Despite that one (tiny) foible, a Good Time (capital G, capital T) was had by all, and the event was declared a success.
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