It's the sort of day when you just want to curl up with a cup of hot chocolate and while the day away reading some fantastic novel... but which really ends up to be more like the sort of day when you tromp outside every 3 hours or so to shovel, just so that you don't have to break your back trying to get rid of 12" all at once.
It's also a good day to download fun pictures off of the digital camera. What better to cheer you than kids and cats? (OK -- one kid, and four cats)
EXHIBIT A: Our niece, "O," at her birthday party (last Sunday). Looking Oh-So-Fashionable.
EXHIBIT B: Zoe, being a freak.
EXHIBIT C: Yoyo, folding her hands.
Hope that there's more novel reading than snow shoveling on this snowy day. The cats are great!
Well, we certainly did our share of shoveling. We got somewhere between 12-16 inches of snow... so it actually resembled work.
That said -- we also had a great snow day! I made brownies, which we ended up to be too tired to eat... so they'll be a treat for tonight!
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